• Алла Шлапак Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка
  • Андрій Беляк Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв, Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка
Ключові слова: організаційний механізм, господарський механізм, організації, механізм


У статті представлено здійснений комперативний аналіз поняття організаційного механізму зарубіжними та вітчизняними вченими в галузі менеджменту, економіки та організаційних досліджень. У статті узагальнено основні теоретичні погляди, моделі та емпіричні висновки з цієї теми на основі системного та комплексного підходу до аналізу широкого кола наукових джерел, включаючи книги, фахові статті, монографії та доповіді на конференціях. У статті висвітлюються спільні та відмінні риси у підходах різних науковців до досліджуваної проблеми, а також визначаються ключові дискусійні аспекти та суперечності навколо визначення, обсягу та функцій організаційного механізму. Підкреслюється важливість наявності добре розробленого та добре впровадженого організаційного механізму для забезпечення економічного успіху та економічної стійкості організації. Загалом, стаття містить комплексний та актуальний аналіз концепції організаційного механізму та є цінним ресурсом для науковців, дослідників, управлінців і практиків, які прагнуть поглибити своє розуміння цієї важливої концепції, а також сприятиме подальшому розвитку досліджень цього поняття в вітчизняному науковому просторі.


Chia, Robert, and Robin Holt (2006). Strategy as practical coping: A Heideggerian perspective. Organization Studies. Vol. 27. Pp. 635–655.

Cule, Paul E., and Daniel Robey (2004). A dual-motor, constructive process model of organizational transition. Organization Studies. Vol. 25. Pp. 229–260.

Langley, Ann (1999). Strategies for theorizing from process data. Academy of Management Review. Vol. 24. Pp. 691–710.

Mintzberg, Henry, and James A. Waters (1985). Of strategies, deliberate and emergent. Strategic Management Journal. Vol. 6. Pp. 257–272.

Mohr, Lawrence B. (1982). Explaining organizational behavior: The limits and possibilities of theory and research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Pentland, Brian T. (1999). Building process theory with narrative: From description to explanation. Academy of Management Review. Vol. 24. Рр. 711–724.

Pettigrew, Andrew M. (1997). What is a processual analysis? Scandinavian Journal of Management. Vol. 13. Рр. 337–348.

Van de Ven, Andrew H., and Marshall Scott Poole (2005). Alternative approaches for studying organizational change. Organization Studies. Vol. 26. Рр. 1377–1404.

Scherer, Andreas Georg (2003). Modes of explanation in organization theory. The Oxford handbook of organization theory. H. Tsoukas and C. Knudsen (eds), Oxford : Oxford University Press. Рр. 310–344.

Whitley, Richard (2003). From the search for universal correlations to the institutional structuring of economic organization and change: The development and future of organization studies. Organization. Vol. 10. Рр. 481–501.

Whitley, Richard (2008). Varieties of knowledge and their use in business and management studies: Conditions and institutions. Organization Studies. Vol. 29. Рр. 581–609.

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Anderson, Peter J. J., Ruth Blatt, Marlys K. Christianson, Adam M. Grant, Christopher Marquis, Eric J. Neuman, Scott Sonenshein, and Kathleen M. Sutcliffe (2006). Understanding mechanisms in organizational research: Reflections from a collective journey. Journal of Management Inquiry. Vol. 15. Рр. 102–113.

Pajunen, Kalle (2005). Comparative causal analysis in processual strategy research: A study of causal mechanisms in organizational decline and turnarounds. Advances in Strategic Management. Vol. 22. Рр. 415–456.

Elster, Jon (1989). Nuts and bolts for the social sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Stinchcombe, Arthur L. (1991). The conditions of fruitfulness of theorizing about mechanisms in social science. Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Vol. 21. Рр. 367–388.

Harré, Rom (1985). The philosophies of science, 2nd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Little, Daniel (1991). Varieties of social explanation: An introduction to the philosophy of social sciences. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Bhaskar, Roy (1978). A realist theory of science, 2nd edn. Hassocks: Harvester.

Reed, Michael (2001). Organization, trust and control: A realist analysis. Organization Studies. Vol. 22. Рр.201–228.

Bunge, Mario (1997). Mechanism and explanation. Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Vol. 27. Рр. 410–465.

Hedström, Peter, and Richard Swedberg (1998). Social mechanisms: An introductory essay. Social mechanisms: An analytical approach to social theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Рр. 1–31.

Mahoney, James (2001). Beyond correlational analysis: Recent innovations in theory and method. Sociological Forum. Vol. 16. Рр. 575–593.

Mayntz, Renate (2004). Mechanisms in the analysis of social macro-phenomena. Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Vol. 34. Рр. 237–259.

Mäki, Uskali (2002). The dismal queen of the social sciences. Fact and fiction in economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Рр. 3–32.

Sawyer, R. Keith (2004). The mechanisms of emergence. Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Vol. 34. Рр. 260–282.

Tilly, Charles (2001). Mechanisms in political processes. Annual Review of Political Science. Vol. 4. Рр. 21–41.

Bechtel, William, and Adele Abrahamsen (2005). Explanation: A mechanist alternative. Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences. Vol. 36. Рр. 421–441.

Craver, Carl F. (2001). Role functions, mechanisms, and hierarchy. Philosophy of Science. Vol. 68. Рр. 53–74.

Craver, Carl F., and William Bechtel (2006). Mechanism' in Philosophy of Science: An Encyclopaedia. New York: Routledge. Рр. 469–478.

Glennan, Stuart S. (1996). Mechanisms and the nature of causation. Erkenntnis. Vol. 44: 49-71.

Glennan, Stuart S. (2002). Rethinking mechanistic explanation'. Philosophy of Science. Vol. 69s. Рр. 342–353.

Machamer, Peter, Lindley Darden, and Carl F. Craver (2000). Thinking about mechanisms. Philosophy of Science. Vol. 67. Рр. 1–25.

Psillos, Stathis (2004). A glimpse of the secret connexion: Harmonizing mechanisms with counterfactuals. Perspectives on Science. Vol. 12. Рр. 288–319.

Steel, Daniel P. (2004). Social mechanisms and causal inference. Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Vol. 34. Рр. 55–78.

Tabery, James G. (2004). Synthesizing activities and interactions in the concept of a mechanism. Philosophy of Science. Vol. 71. Рр. 1–15.

Cummins, Robert (2000). «How does it work?» versus «What are the laws?»: Two conceptions of psychological explanation. Explanation and Cognition. Cambridge : MIT Press. Рр. 117–144.

George, Alexander, and Andrew Bennett (2005). Case studies and theory development in the social sciences. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Little, Daniel (1998). Microfoundations, method, and causation: Essays in the philosophy of social sciences. New Brunswick, NJ : Transaction.

Jackson, Frank, and Philip Pettit (1990). Program explanation: A general perspective. Analysis. Vol. 50. Рр. 107–117.

Wright, Cory, and William Bechtel (2007). Mechanisms and psychological explanation. Philosophy of psychology and cognitive science. Amsterdam : North-Holland. Рр. 31–80.

Chia, Robert, and Robin Holt (2006). Strategy as practical coping: A Heideggerian perspective. Organization Studies. Vol. 27. Pp. 635–655.

Cule, Paul E., and Daniel Robey (2004). A dual-motor, constructive process model of organizational transition. Organization Studies. Vol. 25. Pp. 229–260.

Langley, Ann (1999). Strategies for theorizing from process data. Academy of Management Review. Vol. 24. Pp. 691–710.

Mintzberg, Henry, and James A. Waters (1985). Of strategies, deliberate and emergent. Strategic Management Journal. Vol. 6. Pp. 257–272.

Mohr, Lawrence B. (1982). Explaining organizational behavior: The limits and possibilities of theory and research. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass.

Pentland, Brian T. (1999). Building process theory with narrative: From description to explanation. Academy of Management Review. Vol. 24. Рр. 711–724.

Pettigrew, Andrew M. (1997). What is a processual analysis? Scandinavian Journal of Management. Vol. 13. Рр. 337–348.

Van de Ven, Andrew H., and Marshall Scott Poole (2005). Alternative approaches for studying organizational change. Organization Studies. Vol. 26. Рр. 1377–1404.

Scherer, Andreas Georg (2003). Modes of explanation in organization theory. The Oxford handbook of organization theory. H. Tsoukas and C. Knudsen (eds), Oxford : Oxford University Press. Рр. 310–344.

Whitley, Richard (2003). From the search for universal correlations to the institutional structuring of economic organization and change: The development and future of organization studies. Organization. Vol. 10. Рр. 481–501.

Whitley, Richard (2008). Varieties of knowledge and their use in business and management studies: Conditions and institutions. Organization Studies. Vol. 29. Рр. 581–609.

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Anderson, Peter J. J., Ruth Blatt, Marlys K. Christianson, Adam M. Grant, Christopher Marquis, Eric J. Neuman, Scott Sonenshein, and Kathleen M. Sutcliffe (2006). Understanding mechanisms in organizational research: Reflections from a collective journey. Journal of Management Inquiry. Vol. 15. Рр. 102–113.

Pajunen, Kalle (2005). Comparative causal analysis in processual strategy research: A study of causal mechanisms in organizational decline and turnarounds. Advances in Strategic Management. Vol. 22. Рр. 415–456.

Elster, Jon (1989). Nuts and bolts for the social sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Stinchcombe, Arthur L. (1991). The conditions of fruitfulness of theorizing about mechanisms in social science. Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Vol. 21. Рр. 367–388.

Harré, Rom (1985). The philosophies of science, 2nd edn. Oxford : Oxford University Press.

Little, Daniel (1991). Varieties of social explanation: An introduction to the philosophy of social sciences. Boulder, CO : Westview Press.

Bhaskar, Roy (1978). A realist theory of science, 2nd edn. Hassocks : Harvester.

Reed, Michael (2001). Organization, trust and control: A realist analysis. Organization Studies. Vol. 22. Рр.201–228.

Bunge, Mario (1997). Mechanism and explanation. Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Vol. 27. Рр. 410–465.

Hedström, Peter, and Richard Swedberg (1998). Social mechanisms: An introductory essay. Social mechanisms: An analytical approach to social theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Рр. 1–31.

Mahoney, James (2001). Beyond correlational analysis: Recent innovations in theory and method. Sociological Forum. Vol. 16. Рр. 575–593.

Mayntz, Renate (2004). Mechanisms in the analysis of social macro-phenomena. Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Vol. 34. Рр. 237–259.

Mäki, Uskali (2002). The dismal queen of the social sciences. Fact and fiction in economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Рр. 3–32.

Sawyer, R. Keith (2004). The mechanisms of emergence. Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Vol. 34. Рр. 260–282.

Tilly, Charles (2001). Mechanisms in political processes. Annual Review of Political Science. Vol. 4. Рр. 21–41.

Bechtel, William, and Adele Abrahamsen (2005). Explanation: A mechanist alternative. Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences. Vol. 36. Рр. 421–441.

Craver, Carl F. (2001). Role functions, mechanisms, and hierarchy. Philosophy of Science. Vol. 68. Рр. 53–74.

Craver, Carl F., and William Bechtel (2006). Mechanism' in Philosophy of Science: An Encyclopaedia. New-York : Routledge. Рр. 469–478.

Glennan, Stuart S. (1996). Mechanisms and the nature of causation. Erkenntnis. Vol. 44. Р. 49–71.

Glennan, Stuart S. (2002). Rethinking mechanistic explanation'. Philosophy of Science. Vol. 69s. Рр. 342–353.

Machamer, Peter, Lindley Darden, and Carl F. Craver (2000). Thinking about mechanisms. Philosophy of Science. Vol. 67. Рр. 1–25.

Psillos, Stathis (2004). A glimpse of the secret connexion: Harmonizing mechanisms with counterfactuals. Perspectives on Science. Vol. 12. Рр. 288–319.

Steel, Daniel P. (2004). Social mechanisms and causal inference. Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Vol. 34. Рр. 55–78.

Tabery, James G. (2004). Synthesizing activities and interactions in the concept of a mechanism. Philosophy of Science. Vol. 71. Рр. 1–15.

Cummins, Robert (2000). «How does it work?» versus «What are the laws?»: Two conceptions of psychological explanation. Explanation and Cognition. Cambridge : MIT Press. Рр. 117–144.

George, Alexander, and Andrew Bennett (2005). Case studies and theory development in the social sciences. Cambridge : MIT Press.

Little, Daniel (1998). Microfoundations, method, and causation: Essays in the philosophy of social sciences. New Brunswick, NJ : Transaction.

Jackson, Frank, and Philip Pettit (1990). Program explanation: A general perspective. Analysis. Vol. 50. Рр. 107–117.

Wright, Cory, and William Bechtel (2007). Mechanisms and psychological explanation. Philosophy of psychology and cognitive science. Amsterdam : North-Holland. Рр. 31–80.

Переглядів статті: 160
Завантажень PDF: 125
Як цитувати
Шлапак, А., & Беляк, А. (2023). КОМПЕРАТИВНИЙ АНАЛІЗ ПОНЯТТЯ «ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНИЙ МЕХАНІЗМ» У СУЧАСНОМУ НАУКОВОМУ ПРОСТОРІ. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (1 (99), 128-136.