• Marharyta Sharko Kherson National Technical University
  • Pavlo Shmulevych Kherson National Technical University
Keywords: business environment, information, synergetic possibility, synergy, tourism product.


The business environment is a system that has its own structure and therefore, possesses synergy, i.e. the ability to self-organize. Self-organization is a unique happening in open systems that are studied by relatively new interdisciplinary science of Synergetics. The tools that it suggests are not widely used in Economics. Understanding of any economy as a system with some level of synergy is a core for the development of new policies, especially at regional levels while central government bodies provide nonefficient development decision-making. This work studies specific synergetic possibilities of the business environment that are relevant for the formation of new tourism products. The uniqueness of every touristic destination emphases the importance of regions as well as communities in its popularization. This study gives a detailed description of synergetic possibilities of business environment on a regional level that can be used for the development of brand-new tourism destinations. The importance of information flows is revealed. The organizational processes in the distribution of information are assumed as a leading principle of effective use of synergetic possibilities of a surrounding system while presenting new ecological products (particular events and destinations in general) in a tourism context. The conditions, in which the mentioned is possible, are also explored on the example of Kherson region in Ukraine and organization process of the specific festival in its southern part in 2017 – Tryhutty International Kite Festival. Kherson region and Ukraine at all have huge tourism potential that is still not realized. Thus, the development of new tools for brand-new tourism products formation is up-to-date. Approaches to using the synergy in tourism are proposed based on Ukrainian and Indian experiences.


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How to Cite
Sharko, M., & Shmulevych, P. (2018). A NEW TOURISM PRODUCT FORMATION: SYNERGETIC POSSIBILITIES OF BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (3 (81), 79-89. Retrieved from http://mer-journal.sumy.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/285