• Світлана Прийменко Сумський державний університет
  • Оксана Бурла Сумський державний університет
Ключові слова: життєвий цикл, електрична станція, еколого-орієнтоване управління, декомпозиція


To achieve greater management efficiency of any system, it is necessary to create the overall effectiveness of all its components. Taking into account the fact that the anthropogenic load on the environment and the magnitude of environmental and economic costs of the first stage of the lifecycle of the energy product depend on the cause and effect relationships at (i-n) stages, one should mention the ecologically oriented management system of the energy product lifecycle. An ecologically oriented management system of the energy product lifecycle is a management system that ensures environmental safety at each stage by coordinating the production and environmental functions and processes of energy entities. The process of environmental management, which is considered to be a process associated with compromises between socioeconomic and environmental needs of society in terms of limited resources, should include the objectively existing interaction between society and nature, features of modern social development, causation and environmental and economic contradictions. For example, from the standpoint of economic feasibility, this task resolves itself into such a level of environmental costs that would cause minimal environmental and economic losses.


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Переглядів статті: 15
Завантажень PDF: 16
Як цитувати
Прийменко, С., & Бурла, О. (2020). ФУНКЦІОНАЛЬНО-ПРОЦЕСНА ДЕКОМПОЗИЦІЯ ЯК МЕТОД УПРАВЛІННЯ ЖИТТЄВИМ ЦИКЛОМ ЕНЕРГЕТИЧНОГО ПРОДУКТУ. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2(88), 131-137. https://doi.org/10.21272/mer.2020.88.11