• Pavlo Hrytsenko Sumy State University
  • Yevhen Kovalenko Sumy State University
  • Viacheslav Voronenko Sumy State University
  • Anastasiia Smakouz Sumy State University
  • Yevheniia Stepanenko Sumy State University
Keywords: development, organization, changes, term, enterprises, management, transformations, definition


The paper investigated general world trends in the field of business change in business, in which the authors highlighted a versatile view of science and summarized information on definitions of “change”, providing each of the existing list of definitions that relates to scale. The authors analyzed theoretical approaches to the definition of various scholars and identified the main characteristics of these approaches. The analysis showed that most scholars are interpreting changes as a generalization category based on general economic provisions relating to strategic potential, free markets, behavioral properties. According to the results of the study, the authors formed a summary table, which reflects a separate characteristic and interpretation of the term “change”, provided by various scientists. As a result of the study, the authors formed the actual interpretation of definitions on the basis of processed literature, which, unlike other treats changes, as an organizational process that is in constant motion and adaptation to a new information economy. In this case, as the main driver of adaptation to changes, the authors consider a business process model of the organizational structure, which is based on optimizing functional and information flows and a dramatically different approach to the use of human resources. Practical examples given by the authors confirm the main thesis of all scholars, which consists in the inevitability of the introduction of transformational business management techniques, which are considered to be more flexible, and therefore more effective in today's realities of the world economy. The authors provided recommendations on further research of changes in processes that should focus on a clear balance between the development of new methodological approaches and their scientific substantiation.


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How to Cite
Hrytsenko, P., Kovalenko, Y., Voronenko, V., Smakouz, A., & Stepanenko, Y. (2021). ANALYSIS OF THE DEFINITION OF “CHANGE” AS AN ECONOMIC CATEGORY. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (1 (91), 92-98.