Keywords: stock market, crisis, inflation, GDP, refinancing rate, real sector of the economy


Modern challenges facing the economy and financial system of Ukraine necessitated the determination of factors affecting the functioning of the national stock market. On the basis of theoretical and empirical research of scientists, as well as own research, actual economic factors influencing the domestic stock market were determined. They are structured according to the criteria of occurrence: factors of the real sector of the economy and the financial sector of the economy; factors internal and external to the country. Internal determinants of the real sector of the economy – GDP, volume of sales, balance of payments, inflation rate. GDP volumes allow to determine the growth or decline of the national economy, to compare the growth of the national economy with the economic growth of other countries. During 2016–2021, the real GDP of Ukraine had a slow annual growth trend. After February 24, 2022, the economy of Ukraine continued to plunge into recession, the GDP of Ukraine is forecast to decrease by 30% in 2022. It was found that the dynamics of the balance of payments balance of Ukraine shows a tendency to increase in 2016-2019, however, starting from 2020, it decreases rapidly, and in 2022 it has a negative value as a result of unfavorable realities. Inflation rates and the real exchange rate have a direct impact on the functioning of the stock market. In 2022, there was a significant acceleration of inflation in Ukraine mainly as a result of non-monetary factors, namely the import of inflation from other countries, military events, and an increase in energy prices. The peculiarity of inflation in 2022 is a significant acceleration of inflation in Ukraine as a result of the action of non-monetary factors of compensation for the losses of economic entities. It has been proven that the internal determinants of the financial sector are the NBU discount rate, interest rates on loans and deposits, and the PTFS Index. Global economic prospects affect the functioning of the stock market of Ukraine. External factors of the real sector of the economy – GDP inflation rates of the EU and the USA. External determinants of the financial sector refinancing rate of the ECB and the US Fed, Dow Jones Index. Considerable attention is paid to the mechanism of influence of the NBU discount rate, refinancing rates of the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank on the stock market situation.


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How to Cite
Sereda, O. (2022). FACTORS OF INFLUENCE ON THE FUNCTIONING OF THE STOCK MARKET OF UKRAINE. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (3-4(97-98), 105-110. https://doi.org/10.32782/mer.2022.97-98.18