Keywords: professional training of customs specialists, customs affairs, World Customs Organization, professional standards, problems of professional education


The article outlines the important role of thorough training of customs specialists and proves the need to improve their professional competencies and skills in the context of the development of integration processes. It was established that the modern conditions of economic relations, the need to create an effective and reliable way of moving goods, determine the need for the implementation of effective tools and up-to-date approaches to the development of professional competence of the personnel potential of the customs service of Ukraine. The problems of proper professional education of customs specialists led to a rapid increase in the search by scientists and practitioners for optimal forms, methods and means of education, assistance in ensuring meaningful content of disciplines, creation of comprehensive conditions for the maximum complete mastery of professional knowledge and skills in the chosen profession by the applicants. It has been established that the urgent need for proper training of customs specialists who are able to effectively solve professional tasks in the conditions of the global development of world trade has led to an increase in the need for educators and practitioners, as well as experts of the World Customs Organization, to search for appropriate methods, forms and means of professional training. meaningful filling of courses, creation of conditions for the formation of students' ability to carry out independent professional activities. The implementation and use by higher educational institutions of international professional standards of the World Customs Organization will enable the improvement and further development of domestic educational programs in the customs sphere. It is noted that economic relations in the customs sector, in the conditions of globalization, especially require unification and standardization of both requirements for professional standards of activity (procedures and processes) and educational standards. To do this, educational institutions must ensure the connection between the Professional Standards of the World Customs Organization and the higher education program, as well as ensure consistency between the requirements for knowledge of the World Customs Organization and the qualification competencies that future professionals receive when studying the disciplines provided for in the curriculum.


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How to Cite
Holovai, N., Yasyshena, V., & Bei, S. (2022). PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF STUDENTS IN THE FIELD OF CUSTOMS AFFAIRS IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (3-4(97-98), 151-154.