Keywords: enterprise value, value-oriented management, value


The article is devoted to the understanding of the essence of the enterprise's value as an object of accounting and analytical management of the business entity's activities. It substantiates that the relevance of the study of the efficiency of enterprises through the prism of sustainable development of the state requires the identification of the essence of the concept of "enterprise value" and approaches to accounting and analytical support for enterprise value management. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the enterprise's value as an object of accounting and analysis. To achieve the goal, the following research methods were used: analysis, synthesis, comparison, logical generalization. A detailed analysis of the similarities and differences of the concepts "value" and "cost" made it possible to prove that precisely because of the mistaken identity of the interpretations of the terms "enterprise value" and "enterprise value", which was based on an incorrect translation into Ukrainian of the English-language term "value", in the domestic scientific in the literature, management focused on the value of the enterprise was replaced by value-oriented management. Various approaches of scientists to the identification of the essence of the value of the enterprise are considered. The genesis of the transformation of the concept of "value" in such economic theories as: classical economic school, marginalism, neoclassical economic school and institutionalism is studied. The contribution of each of the economic pulleys to the development of the theory of value is determined. Philosophical approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the enterprise's value have been elaborated. Attention is paid to the characteristics of the relationship between the terms "price", "value", "estimate" and "evaluator". The semantics of the concept of "enterprise value" have been clarified by identifying two of its key features: dependence on the stakeholder (his value priorities) that assesses the enterprise's value and dependence on the relationship of the subject of assessment to the enterprise whose value is determined. The practical value of the article is realized through the creation of scientific prerequisites for the formalization of the logic of enterprise value formation, which is the basis for modeling accounting and analytical support for enterprise value management.


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How to Cite
Myskin, Y., Hrynyshyn, M., & Romaniuk, A. (2022). THE ESSENCE OF THE VALUE OF THE ENTERPRISE AS AN OBJECT OF ACCOUNTING AND ANALYSIS. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (3-4(97-98), 124-128.