Keywords: technology, innovation, system dynamics, management problems, simulation model


The article focused on the innovative technologies management problems investigation. The endogenous distribution of economic factors for research and development sectors have been evaluated in order to study the accumulation process of innovation and technologies. The research methodology is based on the system dynamics approach that gives the advantage to delve in dynamic problems for complex economic and social issues taking into account information and material delays as well as feedback and endogenous causality. The computer simulation model has been built to describe the dynamic of innovative technologies and to perform the sensitivity analysis in order to investigate how change in different parameter of system affect the economic growth and its dynamic properties. The simulation results confirm that management policy decisions can change dramatically if parameters are influenced by unpredictable shocks but the behavior of technological growth does not depend on initial conditions of system if an effective management policy has been provided.


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How to Cite
Stasyshyn, A., Oliskevych, M., & Kozytskyy, V. (2023). MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (1 (99), 59-64.