Keywords: regional disparities, structure of the economy, economic development, industry, innovation processes, technologies, production


The purpose of the study is to identify regional features of structural disparities in the development of the national economy and to develop recommendations for overcoming the disproportionality of the national economy. Even before the start of full-scale military operations, most regions of Ukraine were characterized by an unbalanced structure of the economy, a high level of wear and tear of fixed assets, and technological backwardness. At present, the state needs prompt recovery and rehabilitation of the regional economy. There is a high material intensity and raw material orientation of production, as well as a low level of innovative development of the country's industry. Possible conditions for reducing disproportionality and realizing the prospects of socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine are proposed, typification of the economy of Ukraine in a regional section is carried out. It is necessary to take into account the interregional differentiation as a basis for the implementation of the strategy for the implementation of the state regional policy. Deindustrialization in Ukraine took place due to the reduction of the processing industry, primarily mechanical engineering, the increase in the level of "agrarianization" (increase in the production of technical and oilseed crops), and the increase in the service sector (tertiary sector). The quality of economic growth should be ensured not so much by the increase in GRP, but by the growth of capital return, labor productivity and employment of the population. The reduction of regional development disparities should be solved by transforming the forms, methods and organization of the management system in the regions. It is expedient to implement the directions of socio-economic integration of regions on the basis of programs that include the creation of effective mechanisms for the implementation of state regional policy; improvement of the mechanism of redistribution of resources within the country; creation of conditions and a positive image of regions to attract external investment resources; elimination of factors that lead to aggravation of social tension in society.


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How to Cite
Nosyriev, O. (2023). STABILIZATION OF IMBALANCES AND STRUCTURAL DISPROPORTIONS IN THE REGIONAL ECONOMY. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (1 (99), 113-120.