The modern development of the national economy is carried out in the conditions of martial law and liquidation of the consequences of the global pandemic. Mergers and acquisitions provide increased competitiveness and quick adaptation to new conditions. Of particular interest to investors are M&A deals involving enterprises in the field of IT technologies, media and telecommunications. On the basis of statistical data, reports of consulting and rating agencies, the potential of enterprises in the field of IT technologies, media and telecommunications was investigated, M&A trends were compared at the global and national level, and the main directions and trends of mergers and acquisitions in the field of IT technologies, media were analyzed and telecommunications in modern conditions. The sector of media and telecommunications technologies as part of the GDP of Ukraine in 2018-2022 is 3.9-4.96% with the maximum value in 2020. The average profitability of operating activities was 14.7% and significantly exceeded the corresponding indicator at the national level. The decrease in the financial potential of corporate enterprises in the field of IT technologies, media and telecommunications in 2022 and the high profitability of operating activities allow the use of business reorganization strategies through the implementation of M&A agreements. The main trends of global M&A deals and the media and telecommunications technology sector have been identified. The peculiarity of mergers and acquisitions in the global IT market is the acquisition by large technology companies of dozens of small companies, while deals of small value make up 96% of all large technology mergers and acquisitions. A study of M&A deals in the field of IT technologies, media and telecommunications in Ukraine was conducted. The Ukrainian IT industry is attractive to investors because of its perspective, mobility and adaptability. The choice of factors and indicators that are appropriate for buyers to use when conducting M&A in Ukraine is substantiated. It is recommended to take into account the factors that are caused by the uncertainty of today: staff stay abroad, team risks, geographical location in Ukraine.
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