Keywords: human capital, human potential, human development index, diversification, efficiency, innovativeness, mobility, labor productivity, migration, competitiveness, innovative technologies, transport enterprises, innovative development of transport


This article reveals the role of human capital as a foundation of determinants of influence on the formation of innovative transport development. Human resources today are perceived by the world society as the most valuable thing that a company has, even more valuable than natural resources or accumulated wealth. The article explores that every person has human capital, regardless of employment status. At the same time, human resources are the owners of human capital. Every person has human capital, and it does not depend on the state of employment, that is, whether a person works or does not work. The article proves that enterprises more often choose the concept of human capital management than human resources management. Human capital management belongs to company managers who manage each employee and on whom the performance and behavior of employees depend. At the same time, human resources are the owners of human capital. Every person has human capital, and it does not depend on the state of employment, that is, whether a person works or does not work. The article proves that enterprises more often choose the concept of human capital management than human resources management. Human capital management belongs to company managers who manage each employee and on whom the performance and behavior of employees depend. Human capital in transport is one of the directions of diversification of technological innovations and human potential, the purpose of which is to combine guarantees of indicators of efficiency, competitiveness and mobility: automation of technological transport and intellectual accumulation of assets, as a priority of innovative development in general. Also, it was researched that the national economy is characterized by the uneven development of sectoral production, firstly due to uneven redistribution of economic resources, secondly, the return on capital accumulation is not directed to the development of the infrastructure of each of the branches, thirdly and most importantly due to the inequality in the effective distribution of human potential in each of the branches. Taking into account the research carried out in this article, the following can be noted: human capital is the main condition for the innovative development of transport enterprises, taking into account the global impact of digitalization.


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How to Cite
Zaplitna, T., & Kukushka, I. (2023). HUMAN CAPITAL IN THE DETERMINANT FORMATION OF INNOVATIVE TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (3 (101), 21-26.