In recent years, the wide use of remote work became one of the main challenges for managers worldwide due to the unprecedented pandemic. For many Ukrainian organizations and their managers, the need to implement an even more radical transition to remote workflow was caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and the consequent movements of the population. The transition to the new form of work in conditions of uncertainty and high risk, together with the clear requirement to continue business activity as well as to maintain and improve performance, attract new interest to the topic of remote work management. One of the most prominent problems in this field is ensuring comfortable work conditions that contribute to the high performance of the organization. This study is aimed to fill the gap in the knowledge of current expectations and requirements of employees regarding remote work, the relation of these requirements to the managerial point of view, and to identify the most important directions of activities that should be implemented by management at companies and organizations that experience the challenges of remote work. The research is based on the analysis of empirical data obtained in the process of conducting an online survey of employees and managers of various types of organizations. The analysis shows the high potential for improvements in remote work management that are directed to the technical aspect of remote work organizing, clarification of the new work procedures, and personnel training as a part of the work in the new environment. Also, the study reveals the relationship between employees’ needs and requirements and such factors as age, gender, and functional responsibilities. From the practical perspective, the results of this study can be used by managers of various levels to better understand the needs of employees, to develop operational and human resource management strategies in modern conditions, and to form better workflow and more efficiently organize operations using remote work. Also, the results of the analysis provided in the article can be valuable for the wide range of future studies in the field of management.
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