Keywords: integration, internally displaced persons, host communities, employment, sociocultural adaptation, intercultural interaction


The article examines public mechanisms for the integration of internally displaced persons into host communities. The main aspects of the successful integration of internally displaced persons into the community are highlighted: ensuring employment, supporting social services, socio-cultural adaptation, supporting social well-being, overcoming discrimination, intercultural interaction, participation in public life, economic support and legal protection. Possibilities for community development with the participation of internally displaced persons were considered and analyzed. Mechanisms of state regulation of the integration of internally displaced persons during the war have been studied. Gradually, with the withdrawal of active hostilities and the liberation of certain territories in Ukraine, part of the IDPs got the opportunity to return to their homes. However, a large number of people remain in difficult conditions due to the continuation of hostilities and the loss of their homes. This makes it necessary for them to look for new accommodation in other communities. There they are forced to adapt to new conditions and find ways to integrate into local life. During this difficult period, volunteers, local self-government bodies and the state showed care and provided support to IDPs in providing their basic needs (housing, food, hygiene). This is extremely important for ensuring decent living conditions for displaced citizens. But in the process of living, additional tasks arise for long-term integration in new communities. It is a pity, but some of the host communities do not consider IDPs as a potential resource for their development. Such approaches of local self-government bodies are unacceptable. Some displaced citizens plan to stay in these communities for a long time, or even forever. Therefore, the inactivity of the host local communities in integration processes complicates the process of social integration into the community. This negatively affects the potential opportunities for joint development and implementation of IDPs with local residents. But as a result, it restrains the development of settlements using the potential of new residents. Therefore, it is important that local self-government bodies not only provide crisis assistance, but also actively promote the integration of IDPs into local life. High-quality and effective public management of the processes of integration of citizens into host communities and regions is not only a humanitarian aspect of management. This is an investment in the future of the community, regions and the state as a whole. Fast and high-quality integration processes of the movement of citizens enrich society with diversity, strengthen social unity and create prerequisites for sustainable development at all levels. The state, supporting the integration of IDPs, opens the door to a new stage of its development. This can also contribute to the return of citizens from abroad to Ukraine. Every member of the community will have the opportunity to contribute to building a better future for all. Victory in the state, reconstruction and recovery of regions, support of community development requires fast, structured and effective integration processes for displaced citizens and effective public management of these processes.


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How to Cite
Tykhonchuk, L., & Borovyk, M. (2023). PUBLIC MANAGEMENT OF INTEGRATION PROCESSES OF INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS IN HOST COMMUNITIES. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (3 (101), 50-54.