Keywords: science, man at the center of science, methodology of science, paradigm of science, methodology of scientific research, scientific method, scientific principle, scientific theory, behavioral economics, morality, value paradigm, social paradigm, methodological pluralism


The article analyzes the issues of methodology of modern science, including economic science. The process of cognition within the framework of any scientific research requires a conceptual approach based on a certain methodology. The latter is considered, on the one hand, as a doctrine of scientific methods of cognition, classification and application of these methods, and on the other hand, as a certain system of scientific principles on the basis of which research is carried out. The modern understanding of the methodology of science is that it is a certain conceptual statement of the content, purpose, and methods of research based on a certain paradigm. The growth of knowledge in each science means that new knowledge in it has not only the content relevant to that science, but also shifts in its methodology, i.e. the philosophical basis of science. The philosophy of science today recognizes methodology as a separate scientific discipline that studies the process of cognition and the technology of scientific research. It should be noted that in a particular science, the most important issue for its methodology is the problem of constructing the subject of research, formulating hypotheses, and then scientific theory and verification of the results. Scientific paradigms play a decisive role in the problems of methodology in any social science and humanities. All modern scholars conduct their research within a certain scientific paradigm, and the history of the development of many sciences is the history of the development of their paradigms. The modern economy does not relate to society as a part of the whole, but as one of the "slices" of society as a complex polystructural system. There are no a priori, clearly defined boundaries of the economy as an object of study, and therefore economic science in all its branches has every right to use in its work the analytical apparatus taken from philosophy, sociology, psychology, biology, law and other sciences. Economic science has its own paradigms, such as the value and social paradigms. The current priority of the social paradigm in it, which combines the economic and humanistic components of the paradigm, indicates that it should be transformed into the next paradigm, where a person, his or her comprehensive development, and behavioral models are at the center of science as a system of knowledge, the intellectual function of a person becomes a determining economic resource, and morality and ethics, which determine the deepest essential nature of a person, should become important categories of economic science and determine the key postulates of its modern paradigm.


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How to Cite
Nikiforov, P., & Babukh, I. (2023). RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AS A SPECIAL BRANCH OF CONOMIC SCIENCE: MODERN UNDERSTANDING AND NEW APPROACHES. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (3 (101), 73-77.