The modern practice of enterprise management requires dramatic changes, which is caused by the formation of an inclusive environment, increasing the dynamism of the labor market and increasing competition. Increasingly important for the efficiency of the enterprise is the use of innovation, knowledge embodied in the intellectual product. The reasons for the need for new approaches to management are related to changes in the business itself. Increased competition leads to an increase in the search for new management methods, especially in the area of personnel management, which in the long run requires appropriate management mechanisms based on a process approach in order to respond promptly and promptly to changing market conditions, improve the management system of partnerships and relationships with suppliers, achieving rapid response to consumer demands and improving product quality. The essence of reengineering of business process of personnel management as a modern concept of increase of efficiency of activity of the enterprise is investigated in the article. Business process reengineering is designed to create competitive advantages by systematically assessing processes, addressing the changing needs of potential and existing customers and requiring additional research to find new ways to improve reengineering in accordance with the specifics of domestic enterprises, especially in the field of personnel management. It was revealed that the innovative practice of enterprise management requires fundamental changes, which is due to the socialization of the world economy, aimed at improving the well-being of people with disabilities, reducing poverty and increasing the chances of finding decent work with adequate wages. The directions of including people with disabilities to innovative activities in the context of reengineering the personnel management process as one of the most important business processes of the enterprise are proposed.
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