• Tatiana Goncharenko Sumy College of Economics and Trade
Keywords: strategic management, bank, financial strategy, asset and liability management, risk management, revenue, expense and profit or loss management


The banking sector has typically operated in a highly competitive environment, which has increased significantly as a result of recent structural economic transformations. Such conditions require a more thorough exploration of one of the fundamental elements of a bank's strategic management, i.e its financial strategy, the proper construction and adherence of which will let it successfully adapt to existing and possible changes and ensure effective financial activities. This article systematizes the theoretical understanding of the main elements in the bank's financial strategy during strategic management, which include asset and liability management, risk management, revenue management, expenses and profit/loss. The author analyzes the history of the main object formation in the assets and liabilities management of the bank, as well as the peculiarities of financial analysis of assets and liabilities. In particular, the author studies the issue to ensure a sufficient level of bank liquidity, risk minimization and profit maximization as assets and liabilities management goals. While studying the features of revenue, expenses and profit/loss management, the main approaches and directions for their implementation are identified. As a result, the author of the article proposed to consider the bank’s financial strategy in terms of its main elements, distinguishing such components as the regulation of financial status indices and financial activity results.


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How to Cite
Goncharenko, T. (2019). STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF THE MAIN ELEMENTS OF THE BANK’S FINANCIAL STRATEGY. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (4(86), 96-109.