The problem of managing digital information technologies in the context of intensified transformation of the economy into a digital one is considered in the article. The tasks of “digitization” of the economy, business environment, socio-cultural relations in modern society are extremely urgent and complex. By and large, Ukraine is just starting to move in that direction. Given the importance and complexity of the tasks, both tactical and strategic, unfolding before economic agents in the study the definitions of “digital economy” and “digital information technology” are offered. The definition of “management of digital information technologies” and the main components of this process are offered. The state of integration of digital technologies in the business processes of enterprises in the European Union countries with the most advanced digital economy is analysed within the study. It was found that digital technologies are sufficiently used in every country, while most people have basic or higher than basic digital skills when conducting research. It has been determined that the main driver for business digitization and integration of digital information technologies into business processes is management staff with relevant competencies, experience, knowledge, skills. Staff (staff, contractors, stakeholders) must have competitive digital skills and skills to manage digital information technology, integrate them into business processes, practical, scientific and engineering consultancy, in particular to develop companies' digital strategies, recruitment and information and communication technology staffing he has tasks to digitize his business. A sufficiently high level of digitalization and integration of digital information technology into the business processes of enterprises is more likely provided by the priority role of managers in these processes, which have sufficiently high digital skills than information and communication technology employees (without denying their role in management decisions).
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