The relationship between innovation activity and competitiveness is considered in the article. The stronger the competition, the more active the business entities develop and implement them, providing an innovative basis for their own strong competitive position and competitiveness of Ukraine. So, in fact, in Ukraine, there is a “gap” between the possibilities for generating innovations and the conditions for their generation and implementation. The possibility and necessity of the innovative development of Ukraine based on the use of a sufficiently powerful innovative potential and other factors contributing to the innovative development of the economy are substantiated. This requires the state to create conditions for protecting competition, defining a system of strategies and developing a strategic plan for its implementation. A set-theoretic model of the strategy system and a model of the mechanism for implementing the general strategy of economic management – the strategy of innovative development are proposed. To implement the strategy of innovative development of Ukraine, it is offered to develop intellectual-oriented entrepreneurship as an innovative strategy. The implementation of the chosen innovation strategy should be carried out in two strategic areas: increasing human capital and activation the formation of human potential, the creation of conditions for the implementation of intellectual- oriented entrepreneurship. It was proposed to include in the strategy system a number of key functional strategies that are consistent with the overall strategy and ensure its implementation: educational – development of intellectual abilities and competencies, structural-sectoral – priority development of high-tech and non-material-intensive industries and active use of knowledge potential for the modernization of all sectors of the economy, organizational and structural – the formation of a cluster model of the economy. Ukraine needs an information strategy for information support of innovative economic development and a mechanism for its implementation.
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