The article analyses socio-economic and legislative mechanisms for ensuring the Third and Fourth Industrial Revolutions incorporating the EU experience. It tackles the studies of the origin of the Third and Fourth Industrial Revolutions. It overviews research progress in changing means of production, economic relations, human life style, basic needs and occupations, as well as many other attributes of life caused by the Third and Fourth Industrial Revolutions. These transformations demand legal bases of relevant laws and directives which are already adopted in the EU. The article explains how legislative instruments help ensuring the Third and Fourth Industrial Revolutions. It analyzes the most important functions that the cyber-physiological systems will have to perform without human intervention. The article shows the legislative framework for sustainable transport, agriculture, and construction. It investigates the EU experience on the creation of a pan-European transport space and sharp reduction of the negative environmental effects of transport, achieving by 2050 reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 60 %. It explains how total bans on the use of motor transport by 2050 for such fuels as gasoline, diesel and other carbon fuels may foster green economy and sustainable development. The research demonstrates how sustainable agriculture integrates three main goals – environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic equity. The article tackles the issues of sustainable settlements affects, which are realized through the creation of a livelong-friendly environment for ensuring a healthy human existence and its development, including social development; and reduction of the negative impact on the natural systems of the processes of creating and operating the settlements themselves.
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