In new conditions of globalization, increasing competitiveness, struggle for product quality and innovation, creative products tend to be the main vector of economic development, which increase the effectiveness of social production. In present, it’s objectively true that science and its entire infrastructure play a crucial role in this process, and allows creative ideas to turn into competitive advantages. After all, innovative creative ideas lay the basement of successful practical activity in any economic situation, and creative human capital is the main generator of such ideas. The paper aimed to investigate the core and the conditions of functioning of creative corporations and creative human capital. It is determined that creative corporations are the constituent parts of creative industries which perform the production of creative products, and creative human capital is one of the key factors of production and innovation in such corporations. It is outlined that the main potential of any creative corporation is achieved by creative abilities of employees such as creativity, integration and transformation of their competencies and creative skills in accordance with the creative economy requirements. The article figures out the main features that distinguish between creative corporations and other types of corporations, and at the same time, it describes the factors of formation and development of creative human capital. Thus, the dominant circumstances in this case are the demand for great innovations and the presence of an adequate scientific and educational system in society. It is resumed that for effective creative capital management it is necessary to operate relevant management approaches and, at the same time to understand the peculiarities of creative activity of such corporations. In particular, creative corporations should constantly implement qualification training programs for employees, and also to pay special attention to the development and adoption of management succession plans as well as to the formation of perspective tasks using creative techniques.
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