In the modern world the role and importance of education cannot be underestimated, which requires to continuously interference of the state in this sphere in order to regulate and develop it. From such measures of influence depends on the quality of the formation of developed personality and the overall human potential of the nation, changes in labor productivity and the efficiency of individual economic entities, socio-economic development of the territorial community, region, state, etc. Taking into account these and many other factors, the process of education sector reforming from the old Soviet model to the new European one has begun in Ukraine. There is a transformation of the legal field of the educational sphere, which is expressed through the change of the basic law “About Education”, as well as a number of adjacent and additional regulatory acts. In addition, there is a gradual process of changing the infrastructure and resource provision of educational institutions in the country, which directly affects the content and quality of educational services. Such changes also significantly affect the mechanism of state regulation of education, which became the object of study of this work. In this article are analysed the economic content of the concepts of regulation, state regulation in general and in the field of education in particular, are identified main subjects and objects in this process both in direct and indirect terms, main functions and principles of activity. This allows us to consider the process of state regulation of the education sector as a complex system with its own toolkit and methodological basis. The authors prove the need for state intervention in the field of education, which, in contrast to market regulation, is due to the specific features of the educational sector (the monopoly of the state in the industry, mainly the social character of services, immateriality, multisubstantability, etc.). Separately, attention is focused on the main forms of state regulation instruments in the field of education, presented in the form of direct and indirect methods, levers, etc.
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