The paper identifies strategic issues for the development of the Ukraine energy sector, the solution of which will improve the efficiency of sector reform. The issues of choosing the strategic direction of the power system development and the economic and technical difficulties associated with this choice are considered. The work's main task is to outline the range of strategic issues for the development of Ukraine's energy sector, which require further thorough research with the aim of eliminating obstacles to the systematic development of the country’s energy sector. According to this aim, the issues of the energy system development in three aspects are considered: innovation – connected with the implementation of innovation activities in the energy sector, including the use of alternative energy sources as part of the modern energy system; integration – taking into account technical and economic effects from the combination of innovative solutions in the energy sector; security – ensuring the national security of the state by achieving energy independence. In particular, the vulnerability of the energy system of Ukraine from the standpoint of the country's economic security was determined. These vulnerabilities are, firstly, dependent on the import of critical energy resources by the structure of consumption and supply of fuel and energy resources, and secondly, the high energy intensity of the economy, which led to low competitiveness of domestic products in the external and internal markets. An analysis of innovation in the energy sector was identified problems of strategic planning of the energy associated with the uncertainty of the future energy system models, and related risks. It considered the value of integration of energy innovation to existing energy system in the implementation of innovation and the importance of the greatest possible use of a combination of innovative solutions to create synergies of their cooperation in order to improve the economic efficiency of innovative projects.
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