The concepts of macroeconomic stability and stabilization are analyzed in the article. The stabilization policy influences the behaviour of all economic entities, and thus, the efficiency of the national economy. Any country with a market economy tries to achieve the macroeconomic stability. Macroeconomic stability describes, firstly, the efficiency of all factors in the economic development, secondly, the efficiency of the country’s economic policy. Stabilization is a complex concept, which takes into account the state of all components in the economic system. Stabilization concept has to be observed not as a state, but as a strategic process, which consists in the approximation to the economic stability. If the state’s economic policy defines the stabilization criterion as a lack of concrete economic indicators, the macroeconomic disproportions will be inevitably raised. The consequences of these macroeconomic processes, which affect the country’s important indicators, such as country’s international image improving, rating increase in the global indicators, the native production competitiveness increase, obtaining of the stable income by business, increase in budget revenues, increase in the real wages and social benefits level, etc., are paid much attention. The dynamics of changes due to the selected indicators and the prediction of the country’s economic stability further development are considered. Today the current macroeconomic system of our country relates to the unstable economy, and that is why it causes the urgent need to develop an effective national strategy aimed at achieving economic stability and growth. Based on the international experience, the authors of the article highlight and systematize the main indicators and principles of macroeconomic stability, which are reasonable to be used in Ukraine.
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