The article deals with strategic directions of airspace liberalization in Ukraine. It highlights the issue of Ukraine's access to the Common Aviation Area. Taking into account this fact, the article forecasts the benefits of Ukraine's access to the Common Aviation Area. It outlines the main reasons for postponing the signing of the Agreement on the Establishment of a Common Aviation Area between Ukraine and the member states, as well as internal issues that prevent the signing of this Agreement. Taking into account the research of foreign and national scientists, the opinions of experts on the development of the aviation industry, the study highlights two main ways of development of air transportation of Ukraine during the period of liberalization. The article also deals with the problem of changes and amendments to the existing airship agreements between Ukraine and other countries that will liberalize the airspace. On the basis of bilateral agreements between Ukraine and 54 countries of the world, the Airspace Liberalization Index has been calculated and the ranking of countries with the largest index of liberalization was set. As a result of the study, it was determined that among the international air transportation agreements of Ukraine the maximum value of the ALI is 27. The study of the liberalization features of the national air transport market of Ukraine has demonstrated the potential threats of the inconsistency of its development level. The study suggests the cooperation work plan on the liberalization of air traffic with the European Union member countries in 2019.
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