• Oleksandra Karintseva Sumy State University
Keywords: national economy, economic structure, environmental losses, sustainable development, eco-destructive type of economic structure


The article proposes to consider the structure of the economy as a set of different elements of the economic system, characterized by the corresponding interconnections between them and interdependence from each other, and, as a result, form the basis for the stability of the system, the stable development of the whole economy and sustainable development of the country as a whole. The disclosure of meaningful aspects of the structuring of the economy takes place from the standpoint of sustainable development concept. The paper investigates the theoretical basis of economic structure, which is two groups of structuring principles: 1) characterizing the dynamics of economic structure; 2) describing the statics of economic structure; the basic factors determining the economic structure are also established and conditions necessary for the formation of the optimal structure of the national economy are identified. The study of approaches to the typology of economic structure is undertaken and the most appropriate one is identified. A new type of structure – “eco-destructive”, which characterizes the influence of environmental losses from the activity of economic entities on the economy and sustainable development of the country as a whole, has been suggested.


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How to Cite
Karintseva, O. (2017). THEORETICAL BASES OF UKRAINIAN ECONOMIC STRUCTURE. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (4 (78), 183-191. Retrieved from