The article highlights the problematic issues and prospects for methodology and practice transformation in ensuring the implementation of sustainable development principles in an environmental crisis. Google Trends has demonstrated the rapid promotion of the terms green campus and green university over the past five years (January 1, 2018 – January 1, 2022). A critical analysis of research results on changing the priorities of positioning themselves in the market by global financial business leaders with an emphasis on environmental and social orientation, which directly necessitates the implementation of environmental policy and increase social responsibility of domestic universities. The necessity to consider in the mechanism of practical implementation of the principles of sustainable development the fact that today the efficiency of the economy is largely determined by the impact of environmental risks. It is concluded that the principles of the green economy and the principles of sustainable development in general are known to society, but not fully implemented in practice, in particular the methods of doing business in Ukraine, which do not always correspond to them. According to surveys, 65% of respondents say that environmental risks largely define whether they will be able to keep their jobs in the near future. It is substantiated that today it is necessary to form practical skills of adherence to the principles and principles of sustainable development in the process of teaching and educating the younger generation, which determines the leading role of universities in the context of global trends in environmental challenges. Thus, for universities, the creation of green campuses is a tool for implementing environmental policy, and consequently a confirmation of their authority in the educational space and high-ranking positions in national and world rankings. The necessity of improving the mechanism of financing the development of green university campuses is substantiated; introduction of an effective system of relations between universities, which are guided by ESG policy in their activities, with local authorities in order to cooperate in the implementation of green projects to ensure sustainable development of the territory.
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