• Robert Pustoviit Cherkasy Institute of Banking, University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine
Keywords: institutional genotype, institutional economics, evolutionary economics


In this article the concept of institutional genotype is proposed taking into account reason-consequence connections and genetic relations in economical systems based on institutional, social-economical, evolutionary, and cultural factors. The category of institutions is researched in comparison with «genotype» in borders of organizational structure «phenotype» which is formed in evolution as the result of society genotype ancestral attributes interaction and institutional medium conditions. The similarity of institutions to genes and the mechanism of their development, copying, and the ways they influence individuals and organizations are analysed. Attention is concentrated on the fact that the socio-economic development and institutional changes are different in many aspects. This is due to a mismatch of the processes occurring in these systems. For a more thorough understanding of the concept of institutional genotype, the vertically-tier structure was analysed and «kleptocratic institutional genotype» was investigated, which dominates in the economy of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Pustoviit, R. (2015). INSTITUTIONAL GENOTYPE CONCEPT ANALYSIS. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (3 (69), 23-33. Retrieved from