Deepening of local finances crisis and reduce of the inter-budgetary relations effectiveness have led to the increase of disparities in the levels of financial capacity of Ukraine's regions and reduce their financial self-sufficiency, which in turn provides the necessity of development new and more adequate (the one that corresponds to the real socio-economic conditions of the region) mechanism of evaluation of the financial potential. In the article the relevant scientific and methodical approach is developed. It consists of six phases, such as: formation of a set of input statistical indicators; calculation of real and potential financial resources and the integral index of qualitative characteristics of the economic system in the direction of financial incentives; normalization of the calculated on the previous stage performance indicators; calculation of the financial potential indicators for Ukraine’s regions; determining an etalon level of region financial potential; identification of the level of using of Ukraine’s region financial potential. Implementation of the described scientific and methodological approach allows to reveal that most regions of Ukraine used its financial potential slightly more than 50%. However, Kyiv, Kyiv region and Dnipropetrovsk region have the highest levels of the financial potential usage; in turn, Chernihiv, Cherkasy and Zakarpattia regions are characterized by the lowest level of the indicator.
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