Keywords: strategy, strategic management, enterprise, security, management of economic security of an enterprise, threats, risks


The article considers the concepts of «strategic management» and «management of economic security of enterprises». It is determined that economic security of an enterprise is an extremely deep concept. In its most general form, it can be characterized as the absence of threats and risks. The concept of strategic management is generalized and the own definition of this concept is proposed. Strategic management  is the process of developing, implementing and monitoring a strategy or a long-term action plan of an enterprise in order to achieve its main goals and objectives. This process involves analyzing the external environment, internal resources and capabilities of an enterprise with a view to developing a strategy that will allow it to succeed in the market or achieve its important strategic goals. It is analyzed that the formation of strategic management of economic security of an enterprise should be based on certain strategic principles. Such principles include: systematic construction, integration with the general enterprise management system, focus on the strategic goals of enterprise development, complex nature of management decisions, high level of management dynamics, variability of approaches to the development of individual management decisions, adequacy of response to certain threats to economic interests, adaptability of the emerging economic security system, effectiveness of management decisions, legality of management decisions. It is determined that proper strategic management of the economic security of an enterprise shows that an enterprise, being in a situation of uncertainty, unpredictability, changes in both internal and external business conditions, makes risky decisions in a highly competitive environment, seeks to prevent, mitigate or protect against existing or projected dangers of threats or risks, which ensures the achievement of its business goals. At the same time, the company's resources are used not only to prevent risks and threats, but primarily to achieve the main business goals.


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How to Cite
Kotliarov, V. (2024). STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF ORGANIZATION SECURITY. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (1 (103), 41-45.