• Maryna Tatar National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institutе”
  • Oleksandr Svydlo National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institutе”
Keywords: anti-raider protection, global challenges, interaction, economic security, raiding, strategy, business entities, management


In the conditions of modern global challenges, the system of economic security of business entities needs modernization and must be transformed so that it can adequately and timely respond to changes in the external and internal environment of interaction. Since military actions lead to the activation of deviant behavior of both individual members of society and organized groups, and since the beginning of war, Ukrainian enterprises are in conditions of unprecedented challenges and large-scale threats, therefore one and very important threat to enterprises, along with the possibility of destruction due to military actions, there is a raider seizure of the enterprise, in view of this, it remains relevant to propose measures to ensure economic security, including to avoid raiding or during a raider seizure. The article proposes a scheme of the economic security management mechanism of economic entities, which consists of interconnected stages and reflects the general logic of the study. Taking into account that the concept of economic security is a complex concept and cannot be limited to a single indicator, it is proposed to assess the economic security level by the method of integral taxonomic assessment. The proposed indicators for calculating the integral indicator of economic security of the enterprise and possible options for interpreting the enterprise economic security level are presented. On the basis of the analysis of the economic security level and its connection with other economic categories, problem areas, weak sides of the activity of a metallurgical enterprise as an example (hazard factors), possible negative consequences of this hazard factor, and proposals for hazard management are proposed. A complex system of preventive business protection measures, the implementation of which will eliminate the threat of a raider attack, is considered. The process of choosing an economic security management strategy in conditions of environmental instability and the threat of raider attacks is proposed to be carried out based on the selected economic security zones of the enterprise, which are formed on the basis of the obtained values of the complex integral indicator of the enterprise economic security.


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How to Cite
Tatar, M., & Svydlo, O. (2024). BUSINESS ENTITIES ECONOMIC SECURITY STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT IN THE RAIDING CONDITIONS. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (1 (103), 51-58.