• Mykola Serbov Odesa State Environmental University
Keywords: Bayesian strategy, hydrologic-economic calculations, economic solution


Excessive anthropogenic impact on the environment in Ukraine, increasing each year in economic losses from the country's economic complex hydrometeorological hazards and adverse climatic conditions determines relevance of the issue of the economic justification and making optimal decisions on the basis of meteorological observations and forecasts. The article examines the basic components and feasibility study of the optimum economic decisions based on hydrological and economic calculations using minimization of average consumer losses when making economic decisions. Finding the optimal economic decisions on the basis of hydrological and economic calculations carried out by comparing the expected results on the basis of forward-looking alternatives. The examples of optimization calculations using Bayes Strategy for regulatory and forecast hydrological information are presented.


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How to Cite
Serbov, M. (1). ECONOMIC FUNDAMENTALS HYDROLOGICAL SUPPORT ECONOMIC COMPLEX OF THE REGION. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (1(63), 27-38. Retrieved from