• Tatyana Semkina Makeyevka Institute of Economics and Humanities
  • Anna Smirnova Makeyevka Institute of Economics and Humanities
Keywords: innovation, controlling, adaptive planning, system management, synergy, economic system


This article presents the principles of adaptation mechanisms for the national economy as whole and individual economic actors to changing economic conditions and circumstances that influence the choice of these mechanisms of adaptation. Principles of effective use of technology in the enterprise management by minimizing substantial losses for the establishment and support of information and corporate information systems to achieve their goals. The features of nonlinear processes and phenomena in complex economic systems, interacting with an unstable environment characterized by uncertainty and cut down the horizon predictability. Presents the concept of system approach used in the formation and structuring of corporate governance systems, fundamental limitations in describing the behavior of modern economic processes characterized by interdependence and nonlinearity strongly related event and therefore the complexity of the control mechanisms in dynamically unstable environment knowingly provide stability and linearity behavior systems. The features of the functioning of corporate structures in an unstable market environment. Strategic adaptive planning as a method of forming the passive component of the strategy change is to varying objectives and internal features of the economic system to make good decisions and approval of all subsystems company.


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How to Cite
Semkina, T., & Smirnova, A. (1). INNOVATIVE METHODS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF CORPORATE STRUCTURES. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (1(63), 57-67. Retrieved from