• Anna Kalach National University of the State tax service of Ukraine
  • Anna Mamonova National University of the State tax service of Ukraine
Keywords: method of hierarchies, structural-functional deformation, stock market


The stock market of Ukraine was formed as a result of inversion type of system transformation. Inversion type of transformation fundamentally changes the previous trajectory of development, characterized by ambiguity and contradiction. The complex interactions of old informal institutions that bear the signs of the past economic experience, with new formal institutional framework have led to internal structural and functional differences in the stock market. Those contradictions require in-depth consideration with a view to developing proposals for the further development of the stock market. By the methods of hierarchy identified causal links structural-functional imbalances in the stock market and defined the key factors that reduce the efficiency of the market.


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How to Cite
Kalach, A., & Mamonova, A. (1). STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONAL DEFORMATION ON THE UKRAINIAN STOCK MARKET: SIMULATION METHOD OF HIERARCHIES. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (1(63), 99-109. Retrieved from