• Svitlana Pokhylko Sumy State University
Keywords: investment and financial mechanisms, sustainable finance, ecologic investment policy,, budget investment mechanisms, mechanisms of financial market, regional nature use


Development of modern capital market and innovative technology, including the financial sector, forms the necessity of expansion of research areas of the reproductive process and certain mechanisms which ensure it. The problem of improvement of the investment and financial mechanisms is considered to be the need conditioned by transformations which can be observed in financial and investment spheres. Investors’ expectations, regarding investments into ecologic production and technology, will redirect capital flows to this sphere; schemes of involvement of financial process, schemes of risks division in the process of adoption of sustainable development principles are considered to be unified. Analysis of these transformations and examination of existent experience of the corresponding mechanisms formation is carried out in this article, as well as the functioning of the most efficient mechanism for a specific region are substantiated. Among the investment and financial mechanism of green economy budget investment mechanism and mechanisms of financial market take the most important place on a regional level. Mechanisms of stock, credit and insurance market are singled out as components of financial market mechanisms, according to its structure.


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How to Cite
Pokhylko, S. (1). INVESTMENT MECHANISMS OF «GREEN» ECONOMY. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (1(63), 131-139. Retrieved from