• Yuliya Shypulina Sumy State University
  • Oksana Kostyk Sumy State University
Keywords: globalization, innovative development, global competitiveness index, innovation culture, integration


The article is about the current state of innovation in Ukraine and the place of Ukraine in the global economy. The main idea to analyse the innovative activity in Ukraine for 2007-2011 period. Especially to investigate effectiveness of innovative activity, search up-to-date problems. There are also predicted rates of innovation activity for the nearest time and investigated international experience in sphere of innovative development. It is devoted offering specific proposals for the development of innovation activity in a globalized economic environment. The authors emphasize the inclusion of Ukraine in the global innovation process should take place in such ways: FDI along with new technologies and know-how, enabling thus the national economy into global production networks; personal investment of industrial property rights (technology and know-how) in the corporate business world for specific products with the ability to get production and market experience; integration of Ukraine into the world trade structure as a partner rather than raw application to the creation and implementation of priority technologies, based on science, best practices, new knowledge, capable of legal protection of intellectual activity. The authors concluded that Ukrainian innovation policy may be another justification no alternative to Ukraine innovative way of development. In this case we can expect the inclusion of Ukraine in the global scientific and technological development, large-scale involvement of financial and human resources in the technological development of the economy and increase foreign trade turnover of high-tech products and technologies.


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How to Cite
Shypulina, Y., & Kostyk, O. (2013). THE WAYS OF DEVELOPMENT UKRAINIAN INNOVATION ACTIVITY IN GLOBALIZED ECONOMY. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (4(62), 51-63. Retrieved from