• Nadiia Ivashova Sumy State University
Keywords: industrial company, brand, industrial brand, branding


The article presents the results of explore of the formation of brand Ukrainian industrial enterprises in today's economic environment. As part of this analysis, the external and internal factors that influence branding activity and its effectiveness are identified. The external factors include, items at which businesses are not directly affected, but that should be considered when creating and managing brand. The internal are those factors which depend on the enterprise (its leaders) and can be mitigated in certain actions. The study of typical problems faced by industrial enterprises in the implementation of branding enables managers and specialists to analyze which of them are present in the enterprises and take appropriate steps.


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How to Cite
Ivashova, N. (2013). THE STATE OF INDUSTRIAL BRANDING IN TRANSFORMATIONAL ECONOMY OF UKRAINE. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (4(62), 85-92. Retrieved from