• Daryna Leus Sumy State University
Keywords: financial support, sustainable development, economic component, investment


The article determines priorities, which correspond to the concept of sustainable development. The essence and structure of the concept are investigated. The necessity to combine three fundamental components of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental is justified. We made a conclusion about the primacy of the economic component, which provides the optimal usage of scarce resources at all stages of social production on the basis of sustainable development components analysis. The role of financial capital as a service in relation to other types of capital (human, environmental and industrial) in the economy of sustainable development is determined. Investigation of the importance of financial investment mechanisms for sustainable development is held. The basic tools by payment categories which provide funding for sustainable economic development are given.


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How to Cite
Leus, D. (2013). FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR ECONOMIC COMPONENT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTION. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (4(62), 133-139. Retrieved from