• Iryna Sotnyk Sumy State University
  • Maryna Chumakova Sumy State University
Keywords: ecological innovation, market, development, management, problems, innovative activities


Modern environmental constraints actualize the problems of ecological innovations introducing for both national economies and individual businesses. In the article there are investigated theoretical and practical aspects of ecological innovations market development in Ukraine with regard to developed countries experience. The essence of the term “ecological innovations market” is defined. There are analyzed the specifics of this market and its main features. There are determined the subjects, objects and structure of the market. There are investigated the dynamic, structure and main directions of modern development of ecological innovations market in developed countries, ways of governmental stimulation of its expansion. The problems of national innovation eco-directed activities are defined, such as: low level of scientific and innovative activity, reduction of businesses and state expenditures on scientific and technical work, low knowledge-intensity of industrial production, lack of local business entities funds, lack of effective government policy of fostering innovation and more. Based on the analyzed problems, the ways of their solution are proposed for Ukraine with regard to experience of developed countries.


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How to Cite
Sotnyk, I., & Chumakova, M. (2013). ECOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS MARKET AND PROBLEMS OF ITS DEVELOPMENT. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (3(61), 38-48. Retrieved from