• Viktoriya Shkola Sumy State University
  • Vladimir Kisly Sumy State University
Keywords: innovation, life cycle of an innovation, forecasting, risk, innovative cycle, market cycle


Specifics of investment in to innovative projects requires to develop of new scientific and methodical approach to justification of administrative decisions on a choice of the most effective direction of financial flows of subjects. Forecasting of duration of all works on creation and introduction for the innovation market the course of its life cycle is a necessary measure for ensuring ecological-economical safety of the managing subject. In article the main directions and features of forecasting of life cycle of innovative production are defined. Authors offered the scheme of decision-making on expediency of implementation of the innovative project in the forecasting directions at a business analysis stage. Theoretical-methodical approach to forecasting of life cycle of various types of innovations is improved. Scientific and methodical approaches to forecasting of an innovative cycle and a market cycle of various types of innovations are developed and proved.


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How to Cite
Shkola, V., & Kisly, V. (2013). FORECASTING OF LIFE CYCLE OF INNOVATIONS IN A CONTROL SYSTEM OF ECONOMIC SAFETY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (3(61), 49-59. Retrieved from