• Oleksandr Matsenko Sumy State University
  • Dmytro Ovcharenko Sumy State University
Keywords: quality, energy resource, efficiency, energy saving, enterprise


The gradual integration of Ukraine into the world trade relations leads to the opening of the free access of goods of foreign production to domestic markets, which puts on the brink of bankruptcy domestic enterprises through their energy-intensive production cycles and high cost of energy resources in the domestic market. The article analyzes the impact of poor quality of energy resources on the financial condition of industrial enterprises. Analysis of main quality parameters of the energy resources used in the production cycle, revealed a significant effect of these parameters on energy consumption, performance and dynamics of machinery depreciation. The program of measures to improve the quality of energy is proposed, which involves the set of steps that are designed to optimize energy supplies system and the system of consumption, namely: internal energy audit, analyze and optimize supply contracts, monitoring of contracts in the field of qualities, planning and implementation of measures to improve the quality of energy resources.


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How to Cite
Matsenko, O., & Ovcharenko, D. (2013). ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES OF INCREASE THE CONTROL QUALITY OF ENERGY RESOURCES INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (3(61), 71-79. Retrieved from