• Mykola Kocherga National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: agricultural sector, analysis, soil, environmental auditing, nature management


An agriculture functioning effectiveness depends largely on the natural environment state quality. In recent years, ecological factors have actually begun limiting the volume of production in the agricultural sector. The need for required Economic Activity and Nature Management Mutual Influence assessment when planning the agricultural production has been substantiated in the article. An expediency to implement given assessment at carrying out an environmental audit of objects in the agricultural sector has been substantiated. The result of ecological and economic assessment of the agricultural activities impact on the natural resources state is the decision on expediency to implement the planned activities. The interrelation between economic activity and natural management in the agricultural domain on the example of correlation-regression analysis of the humus content dependence on the organic fertilizers application volume has been identified. A linear regression has shown (with a probability of 99.85%), that organic fertilizers application volumes increasing per 1 ton / ha corresponds to humus content increasing in the soil on the 0.0268%. This enables us to predict a change in humus content depending on the organic fertilizer application volumes. Taking into account the Economic Activity and Nature Management Mutual Influence assessment in the agricultural domain It is identified that organizational mechanism to develop directions for the sector sustainable development implementation is based on a priority strategic objectives considering the resources condition the agricultural sector.


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Kocherga, M. (2013). THE ECONOMIC ACTIVITY AND NATURE MANAGEMENT MUTUAL INFLUENCE ASSESSMENT WITHIN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (3(61), 111-120. Retrieved from