• Oleksiy Polovyan Institute of Industrial Economy of NAS of Ukraine
  • Marina Kazakova Institute of Industrial Economy of NAS of Ukraine
Keywords: by-product, eco-industrial park, greening of production, industrial symbiosis, Kalundborg, waste management


Active use of natural resources without taking into account the ability of ecosystem to heal and cleanse itself caused the qualitative deterioration of natural capital and exacerbated the problem of harmonization of economic, social and environmental objectives of society. In developed countries, the problem of balancing of these aspects is solved by industrial symbiosis. However, Ukraine lacks the necessary conditions for the implementation of such projects. In this article the basic principles of creation and development of industrial symbiosis, particularly of eco-industrial parks, are examined. The experience of Kalundborg (Denmark) in the establishment of symbiotic relationships between enterprises is analyzed. The recommendations for creation of industrial symbiosis in Ukraine are developed.


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Eco-Industrial Park Workshop Proceedings,

South Korean EIP Initiative,

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How to Cite
Polovyan, O., & Kazakova, M. (2013). ECO-INDUSTRIAL PARKS AS A TOOL OF WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (3(61), 121-130. Retrieved from