• Olena Rybina Sumy State University
Keywords: ecology, economy, rail transport, sustainability criteria and sustainable development


Efficient development of the railway transport, which is the basis of country transport system, is a prerequisite for sustainable functioning of all sectors of the economy, for ensuring Ukraine’s status as a major transit country, contributing to its social and economic development, economic security and defense capacity. An integrated approach to the development of the transport system of Ukraine clearly indicates the priority of the railway from the standpoint of sustainable development. Currently, the domestic transport sector, including railway transport is not always ready for new challenges of the environment, that periodically destabilize the situation in the transport services market. That is why there is a need to establish a mechanism for economic and organizational relations that would provide adequate, timely and flexible response to changes in the environment, railway industry companies’ adaptation to them. The article describes the organizational and economic basics for sustainable development, defines its components and reveals their identity.


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How to Cite
Rybina, O. (2013). ORGANIZATIONAL AND ECONOMIC BASIS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF RAILWAY TRANSPORT OF UKRAINE. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (3(61), 164-171. Retrieved from