• Oleksandra Karintseva Sumy State University
  • Mykola Kharchenko Sumy State University
  • Yuliya Zinenko Sumy State University
Keywords: competition, the competitiveness of enterprises, the competitiveness of products, valuation, profitability indexes, compressor products


The article investigates cost-based approach for assessing the level of competitiveness of the enterprise incorporating specificity of engineering industry. The article highlights its advantages. A group of enterprises that produce compressor equipment for which the evaluation takes place was selected. The groups of indicators for financial and economic activity of the enterprise for assessment industry competitiveness are presented. Regression analysis allows selecting the group of certain indicators that are most relevant to the competitiveness of enterprises. In order to determine the competitiveness and opportunities for the development of PJSC “SPJSCSII Kompressormash” competitors’ cash flow and its components are estimated. The analysis helped to make a conclusion about the assessment of the competitiveness of PJSC “SPJSCSII Kompressormash” among the producers of compressor equipment and to identify opportunities for further development of the company.


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How to Cite
Karintseva, O., Kharchenko, M., & Zinenko, Y. (2013). THE USE OF COST-BASED APPROACH FOR ASSESSING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF COMPRESSOR ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (3(61), 172-178. Retrieved from