• Yuriy Derev’yanko Sumy State University
Keywords: development, duality, economic theory, functional time, time


The purpose of this manuscript is to systematize methodological approaches to examine the duality of time in economic research. The main objectives of this paper can be considered as the study of researchers views on the nature of time duality at all, its manifestation in the economic theory, comparison of different visions about the impact of the time duality problem on contemporary development of economic system. This feature of the time effect on the economic processes has several associated symptoms, in particular: time-duration and time-order; basics of economic laws and limiting factor in the space-time development; qualitative and quantitative property; time as a relative definitions and categories and time as a specific measurement values; short-term and long-term phenomena; profit maximization problem and cost-minimization problem; time as an astronomical (calendar) and functional time; time as an interval duration and the irreversibility of its passage.


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How to Cite
Derev’yanko, Y. (2013). TIME DUALITY IN ECONOMIC SYSTEMS. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2(60), 12-17. Retrieved from http://mer-journal.sumy.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/578