• Oleksandr Kubatko Sumy State University
Keywords: economic duality, economic fluctuations, open economic systems, positive and negative feedback


The paper deals with the analysis of fluctuations duality in open economic systems development. Fluctuations are often seen as deviations from the average states of the system. Fluctuations do perform a dual task in economic systems development. Firstly, fluctuations may generate a neutral background, which actuates the protective mechanisms of economic system development. Small fluctuations are leaving the system at the same level of stability due to negative feedback mechanisms. Secondly, fluctuations do create preconditions for the transition of economic system to a new level of stability. The last is promoted by incorporation of positive feedback mechanisms. It is stated in a paper that increasing returns are related to mechanisms of positive feedback – within different markets, firms, and industries. Specific economic situations are analyzed to prove the duality of fluctuations in development of real economic systems.


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How to Cite
Kubatko, O. (2013). DUALITY OF FLUCTUATIONS IN ECONOMIC SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2(60), 18-23. Retrieved from http://mer-journal.sumy.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/579