• Inessa Yarova Sumy National Agrarian University
Keywords: forestry, forest resources, forest complex, environmental management, sustainable development


This article is devoted to the investigation of theoretical foundations of the concept «forestry» from the perspectives of transformation from nature exploitation to the nature managing in the forest complex. Structural elements (development and direct use of forests, forest transformation and arrangement, reproduction, intellectualization of the forest activity, creation and exploitation of new knowledge, deepening of creativity and spirituality) determine the directions of expansion of organizational and economic bases of sustainable, environmentally oriented forest management. Culture should have the great importance for the qualitative determination of forestry: social culture: the culture of the individual and social relations (in particular, it concerns the forest relationships); spiritual culture: ideas, knowledge, values and orientations; material culture: objects of labour, technology and labour. A content analysis of the concept «forestry» has shown that forest management is a particular form of the broader interpretation of sustainable forest management, forestry, and defined the organizational, economic, organizational and social forms of the environmentally oriented management.


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How to Cite
Yarova, I. (2013). FORESTRY AS A NEW SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC PARADIGM. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2(60), 45-52. Retrieved from