• Iryna Sotnyk Sumy State University
Keywords: capacity, construction company, efficiency, secondary raw materials


In the article there is economically substantiated the expediency of improving and efficient use of the resource base of enterprises within the integrated approach to the development of their potential. There are investigated environmental and economic prerequisites for increasing the use of different types of waste as recycled materials. There are analysed the features of the market of secondary raw materials, such as wide nomenclature of construction products, a significant imbalance between current demand and potential supply of waste, fallout from the market of secondary raw materials processed at facilities where waste is formed. There are investigated the possibilities of secondary raw materials application in the field of building materials production. There are formed ways of increasing capacity of construction companies on the basis of the use of various types of secondary raw materials those allow to solve the strategic problem of growth of company potential by improving the efficiency of its operations with regard to the tactical and operational levels of management.


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How to Cite
Sotnyk, I. (2013). CAPACITY OF CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES: EFFICIENCY INCREASE AT SECONDARY RAW MATERIALS USE. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2(60), 64-70. Retrieved from