• Тetiana Derkach International Humanitarian University
Keywords: energy security, environmental problems, mineral resources, state regulation


In article are considered questions of state regulation to use of mineral resources on the materials of the fuel and energy complex of the USA as the most important component of the state policy in the sphere of nature. To determine the influence of the dependence of the U.S. economy from the import of energy resources to the energy security of the country, the results of the analysis of the main directions of long-term energy policy of the state. In article are investigated positive and negative aspects of modern American government regulation, which is based on a dual system of patent access for lands owned by the state with a certain set of mineral resources and system lease and license to access exploitation of primary resources the Earth's interior, while the maximum effective daily rate of resource extraction does not cause irreparable damage to the process of exploitation of mineral deposits.


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How to Cite
DerkachТ. (2013). STATE REGULATION OF THE MINERAL RESOURCES USE (ON MATERIALS OF US FUEL AND ENERGY COMPLEX). Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2(60), 98-105. Retrieved from