• Svitlana Petrovs’ka Sumy regional organization «The Ukrainian Economic Organization of Scientists»
Keywords: evaluation of investment attractiveness of the region, integral indicator, methodology, synthetic categories


In the article proposed the methodical approach to the evaluation of investment attractiveness of the region based on the construction of integral indicator. A general scheme for the construction of integral indicators of investment attractiveness of the region is worked out. The integral indicator of the investment attractiveness of the region is determined by the values of integral indicators the synthetic categories. Five synthetic categories for evaluating the investment attractiveness of the region are defined: investment potential, investment climate, investment activity, investment risks and environmental aspect. Complex system of indicators for this evaluation taking into account the environmental aspect is formed. The proposed approach is entirely based on using economic and mathematical methods of research. The indicators are used to the evaluation have a necessary for the calculation statistical basis. This approach should contribute to the solution of regional problems: more efficient use of investment resources, the formation of optimal territorial areas of investment flows, establishment favourable investment attractiveness, improve mechanisms study and attract investment, reduce the degree of risk for investors and creditors.


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How to Cite
Petrovs’ka, S. (2013). EVALUATION OF INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS OF THE REGION: METHODICAL ASPECT. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2(60), 113-126. Retrieved from http://mer-journal.sumy.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/591